Saturday 11th May | 4:00 p.m.
Debate: Why are we radicalizing? The roots of extremist groups after the screening of "Exit” by Karen Winther
In Polish only
The recent years have brought a rapid growth of support for groups propagating nationalism and authoritarianism throughout Europe and the US. Far-right groups like the National Movement and ONR are gaining popularity in Poland as well. Reports of racially and ethnically motivated violence, both direct and virtual, are on the rise. Where do attitudes like these come from? Are they a natural part of the contemporary social landscape, a necessary element of liberal democracies? Or are they sneakily spreading through the Western world, endangering the democratic order? Can we trace them back to psychological, economical, or social processes? Or maybe the answer lies somewhere in the theory of evolution...
Tomasz Stawiszyński – philosopher, columnist, editor of the human-interest section of the Przekrój magazine, host of Godzina filozofów [Philosopher Hour] and Kwadrans filozofa [15 Minutes of a Philosopher] - talk shows at TOK FM radio. His book is titled Potyczki z Freudem. Mity, pokusy i pułapki psychoterapii [Clashing with Freud. The myths, temptations, and pitfalls of psychotherapy]; he’s still hoping to finish his PhD thesis on philosophical issues in psychiatry and psychotherapy.
Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka, PhD – sociologist, lecturer at the University of Warsaw’s Institute of Applied Social Sciences, head of the Chair of the History of Ideas and Cultural Anthropology. She specializes in the issues of modern democracy, human rights, psychology of politics, and social engineering in political propaganda.
Dominika Bulska – psychologist, graduate student at the University of Warsaw’s Center for Research on Prejudice. Her research focuses on antisemitism and the role of insufficient intergroup empathy in radicalization processes.
Stanisław Czerczak – expert on preventing radicalization among young people; formerly affiliated with far-right organizations, currently focused on innovative exit strategies and other activities aimed at de-radicalization. Czerczak trains teachers, police officers, prison personnel, and border guards. Founded the CODEX Foundation, collaborates with the Institute of Social Safety.
Piotr Wacowski – cinematographer, graduate of the Lodz Film School. Coauthored Polscy neonaziści [Polish neo-nazis], the award-winning investigative report on domestic far-right extremism aired on TVN’s Superwizjer.