Discussion for schools: What happened in Poland in ‘89?

Discussion for schools: What happened in Poland in ‘89? after the screening of “1989” by Michał Bielawski
In Polish only
Partner: Center for Citizenship Education

REGISTRATION E-mail: akademia@againstgravity.pl, phone: 606544851

1989 was a highly emotional time as Poles first stood face to face with a new and unfamiliar reality. Michał Bielawski’s movie is a unique vision of the transformations brought about by the Round Table, chronicling the attitudes of Poles in these turbulent times with the use of official and underground archival footage, photos, and journals by the witnesses of the events.

Michał Tragarz – civic education coach, author of educational handbooks and lesson scenarios. Responsible for the Center for Citizenship Education’s initiatives supporting student autonomy and school democracy.