Chat with director Stefano Liberti, prof. Piotr Skubała and Dr.Ryszard Kulik after the screening of "Soyalism"

Tuesday, May 14th | 5:30 p.m. | Kinoteatr Rialto

Chat with director Stefano Liberti, prof. Piotr Skubała and Dr.Ryszard Kulik after the screening of "Soyalism"

Partner institution: Klub Myśli Ekologicznej (The Club for Ecological Thinking)

How is the growing demand for meat in China affecting the Amazon rain forests? Why do Brazilian farmers grow soy in Mozambique? "Soyalism" is a classic investigative documentary blowing the whistle on the catastrophic consequences of the ever-increasing industrialisation of food production.

After the screening we invite you to the meeting with the film’s director and script author Stefano Liberti, whose book "I signori del cibo" ("The Lords of Food") is just about to be published in Poland by Agora Publishing. The moderators of the event will be two members of the Katowice branch of The Club for Ecological Thinking, Prof. Piotr Skubała and Dr. Ryszard Kulik.

Prof. Piotr Skubała: Associate professor at Silesian University, Sc.D. in biology working at the Department of Ecology of the Biology and Environmental Protection Faculty of Silesian University. He focuses on ecology, systematics of soil and detritivore mites, and also: environmental philosophy, ecoethics and eco education.

Dr. Ryszard Kulik: PhD in psychology and psychological training specialist; head of the programming board at Pracownia na rzecz wszystkich istot (Society for All Beings), co-organiser of the Zielono Mi green culture festival. Originator and moderator of The Club for Ecological Thinking sessions.