The Earth – Isn’t It Already Too Late? – meeting after the film “Anthropocene: The Human Epoch”

Tuesday 14th of May | 6:00 p.m. | DCF, Lwów screening room

The Earth – Isn’t It Already Too Late? meeting after the film “Anthropocene: The Human Epoch” by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, Edward Burtynsky

In Polish only

Partner: Fundacja EkoRozwoju

The makers of the film believe we now live in an era when human influence affects our planet more than any natural force ever has. The Anthropocene has been reality since the 1950s. Does that decade mark the beginning of the demise of nature? Or maybe the Anthropocene will actually result in the end of mankind? During the chat, focused on the condition of humankind and the future of Earth, we are going to pose questions about the possible upcoming catastrophe and the ways we could avoid it. First and foremost, however, we will talk about the things we can do locally, in Wrocław, in order to prevent the calamity.

Our guest:

Krzysztof Smolnicki, Polish ecologist, activist of the Freedom and Peace movement, and chairman of the EcoGrowth Foundation. One of the leaders of the Lower Silesian Smog Alarm, he has been a member of the green movement since the 1980s. Over the course of his eco activity, he has been a coordinator of numerous green and educational projects, and the editor-in-chief of Kropla eco magazine. He is also an author,
and a filmmaker.