Thursday, May 16 | 5:30 | Warszawa screening room
Cityprojections film series: discussion between Hubert Bilewicz, PhD, and Aleksandra Sumorok, PhD after the screening of “Bauhaus Spirit” by Niels Bolbrinker and Thomas Tielsch
In Polish only
Partner: City Culture Institute in Gdańsk
What exactly was Bauhaus: a radical artistic utopia or a movement that still impacts our lives and surroundings? This special Cityprojections event attempts to answer this question. Cityprojections is a year-round series of film screenings followed by discussions with the audience and guests, featuring cities as the main subject and the setting of the movies: city portraits, apologia, and epitaphs, city myths, city life, city tragedies… Cities both real and virtual, implementations of Utopian ideals and unrealized projects. Cities as seen by the camera lens, cities as seen by artists. Cities as the reason for and subject of regard.
Hubert Bilewicz – art historian, university teacher, educator. Employed at the Institute of Art History at the University of Gdańsk. His research interests include the history of the Sopot school and the artistic circles of Gdańsk after 1945. Bilewicz is particularly interested in artistic and nonartistic contexts of art.
Aleksandra Sumorok – graduate of the History of Art department at the University of Lodz, adjunct at the Wladyslaw Strzeminski Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. Author of the monograph “Architektura i urbanistyka Łodzi okresu realizmu socjalistycznego” (“Architecture and Urban Planning in Lodz during the Socialist Realism Period”), as well as numerous articles in periodicals. Her research interests are focused on 20th century Polish architecture and design, particularly the socialist realism period.